[England] [Chocolates and Beer in Belgium] . .  

Early December 2001:

[Belgium map]  

[Ferris Wheel in Lille, France]

^ The ferris wheel in the town square of Lille, France


[Building, Lille]

^ Sample of a beautifully decorated building in Lille, France


[Quick Escapes][Iraq]



Tired of looking at our ugly mugs? then fall asleep reading the travelogue



[Mike in Lille town square]

^ Mike in front of the same ferris wheel, earlier in the day

  c   [Bruges canal]  

< Canal in the picturesque medieval town of Bruges




V Shops and restaurants fronting onto the Bruges town square - almost look like gingerbread houses, don't they?

  c   [Bruges shops and restaurants]    
  .   [Mike in front of canal in Bruges]  

< Mike overlooking one of many canals in Bruges - note the boat tours going on in the background







V The houses behind Mike form the Beguinage, inhabited by Benedictine monks. This is still in Bruges

  c   [Mike  near the Beguine houses]    
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