[England] [Inside the Iraq war]          

March 2003:


[Missile in mid-flight]

^ This is the US missle that went through the first floor window of a Iraqi position at Umm Qasr.

v The embedded media with 42 Commando HQ, in the port of Umm Qasr. Clockwise from top left, Dick Donnelly (ITN), Dave Bowden (SKY), Tim Butcher (SA newspaper), me, Pete McDonald (SKY) and Simon Walker (The Times).

[Media embedded]

[Quick Escapes]      
  [Iraq map]      



[Mike on tank]

^ A typical yobbo poser with gun on a T55 Iraqi tank destroyed by the British - one of many more to come (tanks).



[Mike with Basra children]

^ A friendly welcome, when out filming a patrol of English marines in the suburbs of Basra.



[building shot up]

^ Fancy standing in one of these buildings when this happened?........I don't think so.


[Bullet entry]

^ This is the entry of a bullet



[Bullet exit]

^ And this is the exit of a bullet..........ouch!


      [Babylon ruins]    
      [expolsion in desert]  

^ The ruins of the ancient city Babylon in the foreground with one of Saddam's many palaces in the background.












< One HELL of a huge explosion next to the ruins of Babylon. The shock wave knocked me off my seat.






^ Sunset over the Tigres river in Baghdad.


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