[England] [Quick Escapes]          


Red Sea ......... Washington DC



Barcelona, December 2003:

[Scotland]   [La Pedrera]    
[Quick Escapes]      


      [La Pedrera balconies]  

^ Another of Gaudi's design, this is now a commercially used space that was originally designed as an apartment block, called La Pedrera.

We were able to visit one restored art-nouveau apartment inside as well as the attic and roof space, and oh what a roof space!


[Mike on rooftop]

      [La Pedrera rooftop]    
      [La Pedrera roofedge]  

^ Up on the rooftop of La Pedrera. The little dormer windows in the foreground form part of the roof of the central courtyard. As you can see the weather was on the miserable side and made walking on the tiles a wee bit slippery.

In the photo to the left, you can see the Temple de la Sagrada Familia in the background. Note several cranes towering over it. Below is a snapshot of the internal courtyard.

      [La Sagrada Familia - Nativity Facade]   < A side facade of the Cathedral Sagrada Familia - this facade is titled the Nativity. The spires remind me of a dovecote - wonder if they have heaps of problems with pigeons? You can see the newer work being done on the left side. Note the cranes towering over the other side facade. Construction on this Cathedral, designed by Gaudi, has been ongoing for over 100 years. The sculpture work below the spires almost looks like it's been slapped on in blob-like shapes - bit like a termite-mound!    

  [La Sagrada Familia - Passion Facade]   < The opposite wing facade of the Cathedral Sagrada Familia - this facade is titled the Passion and has more modern sculpture. Note the fruit globules (like grapes) on the tops of smaller spires to the bottom right of the photo.    
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