[England] [Something about Scotland] . . .  

Late August 2002:

[Belgium]   [Scotland Street School Museum]  

[Door to SSS Museum]

< For those interested in the architecture of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, this was a school built to his design in 1903. It is now a museum and a fascinating spot to visit in Glasgow. An exhibition explains the design and building process of the school. The school was a complete package design, right down to the tiles used on the walls through to the light fittings.

[Scotland map]      

[Quick Escapes]



Sick and tired of looking at our ugly mugs and want to read the travelogue?

  [Edinburgh Castle]    
  .   [Mike in Edinburgh]  

^ Edinburgh Castle looking quite misty.

< Mike feeding his face with an ice cream (perhaps he is becoming anglicised - what nutter would usually eat ice cream in the cold!). Background shows park topped by Edinburgh Castle up on the hill.




V Typical Edinburgh streetscape on hilly area leading up to the Royal Mile (main drag up to the gates of Edinburgh castle). Later in the day these streets were packed with the longest queue we had ever seen, waiting to attend the first Tattoo session of the evening.


[Edinburgh street]


[Mike and Shirley at Edinburgh castle]

^ Mike and I outside the front entrance to Edinburgh castle.


[Jane and Shirley on Bridge]

^ Jane and Shirley atop a pretty stone bridge over stream by roadside of A83 travelling northward.


[Walter Scott Memorial]

^ The Sir Walter Scott Memorial in Edinburgh is a very gothic spikey-looking tower. Unfortunately photo doesn't do it justice, it is extremely tall and only about one-third is showing here. Every time I glimpsed it, I kept expecting it to blast off into space. Looks like something out of some sci-fi movie!

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